In the heart of Kibera, Nairobi's largest slum, a group of courageous women decide enough is enough. Tired of enduring the rampant sexual violence in their community, they come together to form a powerful grassroots movement. 
Kibera, like many informal settlements, experiences high rates of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). A 2014 study conducted by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) found that nearly half of the women in Nairobi's informal settlements had experienced some form of sexual violence.Many cases of sexual violence go unreported due to stigma, fear of retaliation, and lack of trust in the police. Survivors often face significant barriers to accessing justice, which contributes to the continued prevalence of violence.
This short documentary captures their journey as they take justice into their own hands, organizing patrols, providing support to survivors, and confronting perpetrators. Through their collective strength and unwavering determination, these women begin to reclaim their community, turning their pain into a powerful force for change. This is a story of resilience, empowerment, and the fight for justice in one of the world's most marginalized communities.
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